Green Tea is made from the leaves of Camellia sinesis, there are thousands of health benefits of drinking green tea. It is one of the oldest herbal task that is native to Pakistan, India, China and all over Asia. But now in recent survey high demand found in United State, UK, Australia and also in Europe. I have found the people of KPK, Pakistan’s, are drinking green tea in high number. Because of drinking, these people are looking charming and healthy, it is also know as (Qahwa).
Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Health
- Kill Kidney Stone
Kidney stone also know as Nephrolithiasis is found in every 20th people some point in their life. Drinking green tea help your kidney to broke kidney stone, well there are other many ways to kill it. But in the beginning stages, proper use of green tea works like medicine.
- Digestive System Support
Digestive system is main system of human body. Well people use it one cup daily after breakfast, lunch and dinner. And it help the human digestive system to work in better way.
- Skin Care & Skin Diseases
Lot of skin diseases found in many peoples. Some other friend are worry about skin pimples and small dots on skin. In this situation drinking green tea in benefit point because it help to improve the health quality of skin.
- Weight Loss Benefits
You are worry from your heavy and want to kill your fatness problems. Take this drink daily 5 to 6 cups and check your weight with in two months. But remember that diet is necessary with it.
- Vitamins & Proteins Benefits
There are missing vitamins in your body like, (Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K). Or you are looking for proteins for your body, i will recommend to get benefits from green pot without any side effects.
How Much Green Tea Need for Drink in a Day
Get the maximize health benefits from green tea. The UMMC recommends drinking 2 to 3 cups daily, giving you 240 to 320 milligrams of Polyphemus. For weight lose drink empty stomach.
- Helping Kill Cancer
Green drink is the hoping drink for Cancer patient. It helps to kill the cancer by more than 20+ supplements for catechist and caffeine content.
- Relaxation & Resentment Benefits
Sometimes people get bored and become tired from their works. And they are looking for freshmen and searching the ways of relaxation. Drinking of Green water works like friends in these condition.
- Green Drinking Reduce Smoking
You are smoker, and want to left this addict but can not left the bad addict of smoking. Just do friendship with green tea, because it helps to reduce the smoking.
- Health Benefits for Heart
We are studying the benefits of green tea and you can lowering your rick of cardiovascular disease may be easy by drinking it. Because it reduce the cholesterol and triglycerides,
- Eyes Health Benefits
Drinking it could be protective of the eyes. Retina, which is the light sensing tissue that lines the back of the eyes, while drinking, it helps to work eyes on more better ways.
How to Make Green Tea
Place the filled tea strainer into an empty cup. Pour the heated water into the mug, over the tea leaves. Steep the leaves for 3 – 4 minutes, your drink will become slightly bitter. And now enjoy your Drink.
- Memory Working
Green tea contains many health benefits and you can boost your working memory by drinking the energy drink. It makes your brain fast and give freshness to it.
- Allergies Solution
According to Japanese research it may fight with allergies by eight different ways. I think this is the best and cheep medication for allergies.
- Liver Diseases
Studies have also shown that ingestion of green tea blocks the amount of fat stored in livers. And also improve the working functions of lever and kill the liver diseases.
- Control Blood Pressure and Depression
Drinking of green and black drinking response to caffeine and lower blood pressure during regular consumption. Thea-nine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves that provides an anti-stress relaxation and control the depression.
- Drinking for Headaches
Green Tea bags have also used for relieving migraine headaches. Don’t use medicines when headache, just take a cup of drinking.
Green Tea Side Effects
Every thing in the world have advantages and disadvantages. But some things depends on you that how you use these things. Right use will give you benefits while wrong use will result as disadvantages But there are limits and different methods of drinking green tea, if you will drink over-limit. Obviously it will be non-beneficial, i will recommend that first contact with doctor and then use it. I hope doctor will guide you in a proper way that how to use it. And i don’t know for which purpose you are drinking it, because there are different ways for each purpose.
Bonus Tip
I hope you like this topic Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for health. If you have in mind any question, any suggestion or opinion, you can share with us easily by using the below comments box. If I miss any point in benefits of in side effects, you can inform me also via both ways comment or via contacts us form. I will always appreciate your comments and opinions. And don’t forget to share this useful information with your friend, family and neighbors.
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