The Coconut oil have hundred of uses and have many benefits especially for Hair growth and hair treatment. Coconut oil is the preceded oil produced form the palm tree. From last few years the uses of coconut oil in every field of life increasing very fast. A lot of companies use this oil in their products like, food products, health products, skin & body products and also medicine companies use it in their medicines to give better treatment to their patients.
Well today we will read some major uses of coconut oil, as well as benefits of coconut oil for growth and treatments. Let’s have a little look;
Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair Growth & Treatment
- Growth Faster
The vitamins and fatty acids naturally found in coconut oil that helps your hair grow longer, thicker and faster. To do this you may adopt daily treatment by these steps:
Before going to the bed for sleep, wash your hair with good quality shampoo and condition as usual. Gather you hair with comb, and use two towels to wrap in it. Now take two bowls smaller fill with coconut oil and the larger fill with water, put the smaller bowl in to larger and put it on the heat to get temperature, and give this temperature to hair until the oil is completely melted. Now use your finger or hand for massage your head, for better result leave it for night and wash it again in morning.
- Treatment of Dandruff
People are using coconut oil for skin dandruff from hundred of years. But you can use this for treatment of hair dandruff as well, because this is the best natural way of treatment. While a lot of dandruff shampoos, conditioners, jells and creams are available in the market but the all commercial products have chemicals. That give you the good result at the time of use or for one or two days but they have many side effects, which effects your hair very badly after some time.
To get better result or more benefits to fighting with dandruff use essential ail including lavender, wintergreen, thyme and tea tree. After wash your head, mix little coconut with essential oil and combination of above things and give massage to your whole head.
- Sun Protection
To get more benefits from coconut oil use it on daily bases to improve the overall health of your hair. Hard heat and light of sun damage your hair and make weeks, to get protection wash head in the morning and give the massage of coconut. It will be plus point if you uses the hat or umbrella under the sun.
- To Add Shine
Adding shine is now with easy step, use the natural coconut oil daily in little amount in the morning or in the evening and add the extra shine in hairs. Shines present you as a unique and caring person in any function or party.
- Damage Protection
Using of coconut oil is help to reduce the loss of protein from damage and undamaged hair. Lauric acid in the oil have a high level of proteins, it is also use for post wash and pre wash hair grooming.
- Coolness
The coconut oil on the head and scalp also give the coiling effects to your hairs and the who head. It can be very useful especially for those peoples, who have the hot head.
- Colored Hair
Black, Brown, Gray or Blonde, every type of color you have doesn’t matter. This oil give the extra boldness on every type of colored hairs. Boldness increase the beauty, this is the plus point to use the coconut oil.
- Breakage
Hair breakage is big problem for every person, either male or female. But the uses of coconut oil on daily basis can decrease the volume of hair breakage. And you cannot get better treatment except it.
- For Men
This oil is not made only for women, men can also use this for their Beard and Mustache. Man who have mustache or beard or have both can use for shining, growth, treatment and for health and strong hairs.
- Treatment of Split Ends
Mostly people advice to you that cut your hairs when you have Split ends problem. But you can solve this problem with the mixture of coconut and almond oils. Simply massage your head with this mixture, that will helps the minimize split ends problem.
Bonus Tips
Benefits of Coconut oil for growth and treatment will helps for fast growth and treatment. Please use this and let us know that. What changes you see and how you use it for growth and treatment. And if you have in mind any question, any suggestion or opinion. You can share with us easily by using the below comments box. If I miss any point in benefits, you can inform me also via both ways comment or via contacts us form. I will always appreciate your comments and opinions. And don’t forget to share this useful information with your friend, family and neighbors.
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